You'd be forgiven for viewing Jack Fletcher as an anachronism. After all, didn't all the tough-talking, chain-smoking, hard-drinking private detectives die out after the 1940s? Apparently so, because as Jack discovered far too late, the job isn't nearly as exciting or glamorous as the movies may have led you to believe. Jack is bitter, cynical and jaded - bored stiff with following trophy wives to and from the country club at the behest of jealous husbands. Hell, even his prized .38 Special, Alice, has never been fired outside a range. But even so, he plods on because his pride won't let him quit and he knows that if he manages to crack that one case, the Big One, he can publish his memoirs and it'll all have been worth it. Jack is very much a loner and doesn't like having to rely on anyone. As far as he's concerned, it's every man for himself and he won't stick his neck out for anybody. Unless the price is right.