Officer West is one of San Palillo's finest and part of the thin blue line that strives to maintain order in a city gone mad. He is relatively new to the Force and thus tends to be overly zealous in the pursuit of his duties. He's not above busting someone for jaywalking and then claiming they were resisting arrest if they object. Everything he does has to be by the book and to the letter, making for some interesting situations when he finds himself in a jam that isn't covered by the manual. His superiors initially tried to set him straight but then quickly realized that he was willing to do all the hard work, so they just let him be. One unfortunate side-effect of his anal-retentiveness and over-adherence to protocol is that he makes himself an easy target for pranks and jokes. Danny also suffers from an over-inflated sense of self-importance, with delusions that he alone can fix everything if he only tries harder. While he runs himself ragged trying to stomp out crime in San Palillo, he seems to have limitless reserves of energy. Anytime he gets a new call on the police band, he's out the door and on his way before he can even finish saying, "10-4!"