Not everyone who joins Star Patrol can be a celebrated hero like Captain Nova. For every one of those, there are thousands of guys like Crewman Perkins - average grunts who slog through the day, collecting their paychecks and hoping they'll still be alive at the end of the month to spend it. Ol' Perkins here has been zapped, probed, irradiated and even eaten (and later regurgitated), suffering every possible indignity a spacefaring adventurer can, yet still living to tell the tale. Twitchy and paranoid, Perkins sees sudden, ignominious death lurking around every corner and has since adopted an attitude of always first looking out for number one. He seems oblivious to the fact that his lot in life is to suffer horribly and yet never be allowed the sweet release of death. In a perverted way of thinking, he is easily the luckiest son of a bitch on the Supernova.